Welcome to my lovemail carrd!

I made this carrd as gift those who've gifted me the most in the past! Those who've helped me through thick and thin and who I adore more than anything in the whole world!

I obviously appreciate all my wonderful and loving friends more than I can tell, but I feel like some of them deserve a special thanks for putting up with my shenanigans with such care and love! thank you <3

💙 🧡 ❤️

choose a color (WIP)
will add more in the future!

some pages migh be eye-strainy

WOW I don't even know where or how to start, I just adore you so much!

I feel like I'll never be able to put into words how much you matter to me and how much I love having you around, I already tried thousands of times but it never got even 1% closer to how thankful I truly am YOU exist!

I've already told you this but you're so...unsual ( in a good way ) there's no one quite like you in the whole universe! Everytime you join any conversation, I can literally feel the mood getting lighter, everyone's eyes shining and people trying their best to make you laugh, you have the talent to make people happy just by existing, and that's so admirable!

You make me feel undestood like i've never felt before, you taught me that I'm not alone no matter how hard life feels and I just hope I can make you feel the same way, I hope I can make you feel loved and cared about no matter what, That's why I kindly ask you to keep this link and read it whenver you need to! I love you truly and purely and I'm sure I am not the only one!

I was gonna end this ''little'' text saying that I hoped we could talk more in the future, but thinking about it...I don't exactly think we need to (although I really want to) I just think our friendship is weird enough to the point where we dont need to have regular one-on-one conversations for me to consider you my best friend! 👉👈 Everytime we're doing something together I feel a strange connection with you, sorta like a smile/smile-back sort of thing! And I think that's amazing by itself ^^ It almost seems like I've talked with you everyday for most of my life (pardon the weirdness)

I'll never forget the first time we talked again and how it went so naturally we literally played minecraft after!

Speaking of which...Talking to you again was one of the best things that have happened to me in a whole while, you're super important to me and I hope you're aware of that! I love you more than I can say! ^

info ▼

• Not to be confused with Aron
• Aron evolves into Lelouron after gaining enough XP from winning chess matches.

I have so many things to say about you and our friendship in general, I could literally write a hundred books about how much you mean to me! And the best part is...I'm sure you would read all of them, just like you read all my random wall-texts! And I truly feel like that's what makes our friendship so special, we support and cheer each other no matter what!!!

I reallyyyy enjoy hearing you talk about all the nerdy stuff you like, you're the type of person one always learns from each conversation, I cannot think of one time we've talked and I didn't end up with extra boxes of new information, which is an awesome thing since our interests are surprisingly very similar hehe

Either it being solving mysterious cases of whatnot , brainstorming horrible evil plans we will never act upon or just plain nerding out about pokemon, we have so much fun together at all times and that is enough for me to look back at our conversations at random times of the day and just giggle, imagining what future shanenigans we'll be up to!

Looking back...we've done so many cursed things it almost hurts to think about, theres just SO MUCH and its SO MUCH fun nyahaha

I feel like I say this all the time but talking with you again was one of the best things that have ever happened to me! We're definitely closer than ever and I'm so thankful for it, thankful for knowing that each step I take, I have someone like you by my side, someone I adore and trust

Despite all the serious things and we constantly plan and talk about, you make me feel like life is nothing but a huge ''pokemon adventure'', and we should live it to the fullest! I really do hope I make you feel this exact same way too! I have a hunch that might be why we're so determined to create the PERFECT pixelmon server, so we can share this wonderful world with everyone ~!

I believe the base of a friendship is mutual respect and understanding, and I also believe that is why we're such a great duo, we both respect and accept each other, making our differences our best weapon! ^_^ I hope we can stay friends till the end of time!

🍄Mushroom girl🍄

Ahh, I don't even know how to start ! We've known each other for so little time but already have such a great and big story together ! I mean...have we REALLY only known each other for this little time? I see you in my deepest childhood memories and I already knew a lot about you even before we met, just as you did about me, so can we really say this is a friendship that recently bloomed?

If you ask me, I'd say we're just two people whose destiny has always been looking for, I'd say we were already friends even before we started talking!

I would also say that doesn't stop there, I remember every cute, funny and silly moments we've had together for the last months and I always find myself laughing at the wall just thinking about them, which made me realize that we really don't need to talk at all times for your wholesome energy to Penetratre ( :smike ) my brain and make me feel special and happy, I really do hope you feel the same way !!

You helped me figure out who I am, even without doing a thing! I cannot begin to explain how important you are to me! I've opened myself to you in ways i've never done to anyone and everytime I did, I felt accepted, you gave me the confidence to be true to myself and that is something I'll always be thankful for.

I've seen this type of friendship in sooo many movies and books! Haven't I commented that with you before? Our whole friendship story seems like a sitcom and I wouldn't like it to be any other way!! our similarities bring us comfort and our differences make us closer!

We've stumbled upon each other so many times in our lives, we've lived the same thing in different times and were bond to meet, I don't think ( and I hope ) something like that will end soon, despite us not talking that much anymore, I truly believe what we built will stay strong till the end of times, I truly do!

After all, how can I forget things like...ahem Bolsonaro's dick size ???? Our short but wonderful animal crossing hangouts ( especially when 90% of my switch is pictures I took of us! ) ??? and the times we joined forced to annoy YouKnowWho!!!

I love you so much! I truly hope you never forget that and I hope we can remain friends through thick and thin! ^_^